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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Wow, insane. I’m currently reading “There Are No Electrons” written by a member of the Amdahl family. In the opening pages he talks about his siblings and ascendents and talks briefly about Amdahl corp then in the opening to this article this engineer got their start at Amdahl.

    Fun coincidence I wanted to share. If you want to read a book about science that sets aside reverence for science and reads more like a Sunday comic, check out the book I mentioned. Especially fun if you’re trained in electronics, tho the author specifically states the book is NOT for those trained in science, haha.

  • Nah, you aren’t dumb. I think the opinion is dumb, but I’m sure you have reasons for believing the way you do. I suspect it comes from a sense of hopelessness and feeling a lack of control which I can empathize with but do not share. I simply don’t like to see people roll over and give in to such thought because of the types of awful people who have power in this world. This mindset is submissive to those powers and that irks me to anger. That submission boosts the power they already hold. But no, I hold no negative opinions toward you as a person and I apologize if it came across that way, that’s likely my fault.