OpenBSD admin and ports maintainer

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • I’m going to conclude you’re lying and haven’t actually used a webkit browser, because in terms of feature parity with blink and gecko, webkit is pretty good. Maybe some stuff breaks with RTC WASM and other questionable browser capabilities, but for 99% of the web they’re fine. All of the browsers I’ve recommended are regularly updated (except links, superceded by links2), all of them are “modern”. If I wanted to recommend old dead browsers, I would recommend retawq, dillo, elinks or xombrero. Even textmode only browsers are very usable for documentation and reading news and blogs.

  • There’s a decent selection at the moment:

    If you need javascript+css: qtwebkit, gtkwebkit, qtwebengine ( blink based :( ), Ladybird (I really don’t care if the dev sucks; goolag/mozilla’s browser monopoly is too important for me to care about some stupid idpol takes)

    If you don’t need javascript but want css: netsurf (there is technically javascript support, but it’s worked absolutely nowhere in my experience)

    If you’re an epic hackor that doesn’t need either: w3m, links2, links, lynx

    I mostly use w3m, but I use qutebrowser (qtwebkit and qtwebengine) when I need js. I’ll probably replace qutebrowser with Ladybird once there’s a port for OpenBSD (trying to write my own at the moment).

    If you just want to abandon www all together, check out gemini and gopher clients.

  • I’m not familiar with ports, does it provide an easy way to install packages of a particular version? Is it OpenBSD only, or just a system of installing things?

    OpenBSD’s ports are just a collection of perl scripts and makefiles managed by a VCS (usually CVS though there are mirrors). Due to how recursive CVS works, you can easily update any part of the tree to a different commit/tag.

    $ cd ${PORTSROOT}/games/stone-soup
    $ cvs up -CPd -D 'some date_spec' #or -r some_tag
    $ make install
    $ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ enjoy your old or backported videos games

    very scriptable, should be easy to figure out how to automate this should you need to.

  • Shoving your entire system config into a couple DSL files is elegant? Sorry, I’ll stick to OpenBSD’s ports system and periodic rsync backups, that give me all the same benefits without the mountain of XY problems. Gentoo would also like a word, but they’re too busy recompiling all of llvm with one build flag changed to give input. Hope you never have to use anything other nix, since you’ve spent all your time learing to configure an abstraction layer instead of interfacing with the real underlying tooling.