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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • People answer phones?

    It’s a meme among people that know me that you pretty much have to leave a message if a text won’t do. I genuinely can’t remember the last phone call I answered. Thinking back, it was when my dad was having surgery, and they give calls with updates. That was maybe three years ago?

    But I’ve been doing that since I got my first answering machine back in the nineties. I fucking hate talking on the phone. Even as a teenager, if it wasn’t someone I was having sex with, it wasn’t going to be a long call. The only exceptions were my two best friends, and my grandmother. One grandmother just didn’t call to chat. The other only called rarely, and you don’t fucking ignore your grandmother. Neither grandfather was going to call either. My mom’s dad would drive over if he wanted to talk about something with one of us. The other was dead.

    There are two people I would answer a call from, my wife and my best friend. But they’d never call outside of an emergency because they know I hate phones for talking. I probably would for my dad, but he hates phones almost as much as I do.

  • Yeah, this is the wrong place to post this. It’s tangential at best to technology as whole.

    That being said, it is an important issue, and I would suggest posting it in the places another user suggested.

    I have a whole mini diatribe about formal english vs colloquial and how formal will eventually catch up on this matter, but this isn’t the C/ for it. So holla at me if/when you post it elsewhere and you’re interested in that take.

  • The only places there that haven’t changed are the tiny game subs, to my limited willingness to use the site. I have checked the niche subs I used to moderate, and all but one is swamped with bullshit. Even that one has changed some. The only ones of those unchanged are the ones I had set to private ages before spez threw his little hissy-fit. The ones that were public are either dead, botted, or just unchecked insanity with bad moderation. Spam everywhere.

  • But they aren’t spamming elsewhere. There’s no indication that the community is doing anything other than posting in their own community. The content itself is bland, boring, but crazy. What it isn’t is inherently dangerous or bad. The only reason it counts as spam is the sheer volume. Since all it takes is a C/ block to prevent that spam, nothing else matters.

    The rest of the instance is not harmful either, and none of the other communities have enough posts to be even close to spam levels. Defederation would remove access to ghost other communities and users.

    Like someone else said, it’s like using a nuke to get rid of a single fly. You can do a surgical strike and completely avoid the C/. If isn’t like the posters there are out on other instances doing anything.

    Unless you have proof of bad acts, and you haven’t provided any, there’s zero chance a defederation vote would succeed in the agora. This instance has a fairly consistent result on defederation issues when the INSTANCE being voted on isn’t disruptive.

    And, frankly, the content is fine. Or, as fine as any religion’s more effusive elements. They aren’t calling for pogroms or crusades, they aren’t bashing other religions, they aren’t calling for some kind of Christian uprising, nothing like that. It’s just a bunch of religious nutters babbling about loving their religion. Which may be crazy, but it isn’t something that rises to the nazi test.

    If we apply your criteria to content re: lunacy, then we’d have to defederate from any instance with a busy political C/, because most of those are full of posts from people treating politics like a religion. Are we going to defederate from any instance that has a C/ where they post constant anti-(insert politician of choice here) memes? It’s exactly the same thing.

    If that’s what you’re arguing, that we defederate from any instance with crazies on it, bye-bye fediverse. Fuck I’m a left wing crazy, I just don’t post about it. But there are C/s on this instance that are no better than the one you’re objecting to, in terms of sane and rational posts. Should we defederate from ourselves?

    I get it, though, I do. It’s easy to get on the anti-religion train and just stoke the boiler all the way. Organized religion is fucking cancer. But that’s irrelevant to federation as long as the offending material can be avoided by individuals. And, frankly, trying to outlaw any religion is a bad idea to begin with. And that’s really what you’re trying to do is go ham because you don’t like that religion.

    I can’t support that way of thinking and would argue against defederation in the agora. I would argue against it even more vehemently than in this thread. Here, we’re just casually discussing the idea (or that’s what I’m doing anyway, this is casual for me lol). But if this was in the agora, where it would get voted on and possibly get the results you’re wanting, I would actively oppose the proposition. It goes against the very principles of lemmy in specific, and the fediverse as a whole.

  • I’m not seeing much of the posts outside that single community though. This makes it trivial to avoid.

    And, no, I wouldn’t see it as any different from scientology, or islam, or Buddhism, or taoism, or Hinduism, or whatever ism. When it isn’t an instance wide issue, the answer isn’t defederation. It’s per-user blocking.

    Let’s be real, they aren’t reaching anyone with the kind of bat-shit, overly long videos they’re linking. Nobody has the attention span for that unless they’re already indoctrinated into that kind of bat-shit crazy thing anyway. If I see them pop up in my all/federated feed, I’ll block the community. Just like I do with any of the religion focused crazy C/s out there.

    It’s a matter of how the fediverse should work, imo. Defederation is the final step, not the first. The only times defederation is a first step is when the instance hosts illegal things that the defederating instance would have legal liability if the materials in question; when the instance is dangerous to the fediverse, and/or when it’s nazis.

    You can’t federate with an instance that hosts loli, if you’re located in a place where that’s illegal. So you defederate as soon as possible.

    When something that’s going to destabilize lemmy/the fediverse by design, you can preemptively defederate.

    And nobody likes nazis. We don’t want a nazi bar, so we have to keep them out from the beginning.

    Anything else? You start with blocks by users, then user initiated instance blocking (now that it’s possible) or app based instance filtering, then consider defederation.

    Since that instance isn’t doing any of those big things, and the problem content is very localized, I would vote against defederation in the agora. Which, btw, is where any defederation is decided for sjw as an instance.

    Do you have proof of their instance acting to proselytize here (or elsewhere in the fediverse)? I haven’t seen any of their users doing it as individuals, and I found no threads planning such action. That is a big enough problem to change my vote if it ever comes up in the agora.

  • If you only use your own feed of followed users and hashtags, you won’t likely see any of it. But it can still be a problem for new users, and it’s antithetical to the idea of the fediverse being run by people for people. There’s a certain degree of leeway in what can be considered a person for this idea, but once a company that’s publicly traded dives into things, it starts fraying at the edges.

    Basically, those companies start treating their ability to “toot” as free ad space. That isn’t cool. We should all be able to use an “all” feed without the bullshit.

    And that’s ignoring the possibility of a company making accounts on instances to artificially “retweet” their bullshit, which just isn’t cool. It’s bad manners.

  • “If you’re a publisher, creator or brand on Flipboard, you’ll start to see new visitors and engagement as people discover and share your content across the growing Fediverse.”

    And there’s the rub. Once something starts talking about brands, the whole thing just means someone is trying to make money off of someone else’s work.

    Now, that’s not an inherently bad thing! That’s part of how an open system works. It just means that whatever is joining the fediverse has to be watched carefully and pruned as soon as it starts turning into spam.

  • I guess I gotta be the basic bitch here.

    Try mint, particularly with their own DE, cinnamon. It really is a great overall experience. I’ve run it on something like five or six different PCs in my own home, plus two laptops. Zero issues in years. Right now, the only thing in the house that isn’t running it is my audio PC, because musicbee is a pain to get running on Linux at all.

    That’s the only downfall for Linux currently. There’s no good audio programs that are Linux native. At best, stuff like clementine and similar options are acceptable players, but they’re shit at anything else.

    My most recent laptop, it was as easy as popping in the usb drive, installing, and putting it to use. But that’s a ThinkPad, and they’re super Linux friendly. Mint has the important stuff on it to begin with, so unless you need specific programs, you’ll be functional faster than with a fresh windows install. Even if you have a handful of other programs you can’t live without, you aren’t going to run into major issues.

    Mind you, any of the other distros mentioned so far are pretty much just as plug n play too, but mint seems to play well with any hardware at all. Plus, cinnamon is such a damn nice DE

  • It’s a good chat app overall. You just have to treat it like sms and assume there’s no real privacy.

    Also, they’re very generous with file transfer size. It makes shifting things between people so much easier.

    In other words, it’s the features rather than the supposed privacy. If I want privacy, there’s way better options, same for security. But those options suck with some of the more useful things at times.

    Mind you, if they keep going with this shit, it’ll be so bloated that it’ll cease to be a good pick for the stuff I use it for, but there are actually plenty of users that are hyped about the shit whatsapp is doing, and the same goes for telegram.

  • That’s kind of not the poster’s fault.

    When a given interface respects the cross posting method, it doesn’t show multiple posts, it shows one post with a list of places it was cross posted to.

    Unfortunately, not every interface respects that part if federation. Most lemmy apps don’t (afaik, none do, but I can’t claim to use all of). If kbin via web isn’t following that, it isn’t that person’s fault.

    Now, that’s different from someone making multiple posts of the same thing because they don’t know how to cross post lol.