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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Fun fact: Decimation is originally a Roman practice. It’s a form of punishment where every tenth man in a group was executed by members of his cohort.

    The bastard Jack Welch implemented this as a business practice with a sanitized name: rank your team, fire the worst 10%, even if the team did great.

    Shareholders cheered at this practice. They bought shares in droves when businesses literally decimated themselves. Shareholders are mostly glorified gamblers with a boner for hardship. Making employees suffer is just dandy, as long as it can be sold as an improvement.

    My point is that shareholders usually don’t know wtf they’re doing. This doesn’t surprise me.

  • The minimum requirements are there for them to set a lower limit on what they’re willing to support.

    I agree and they’re free to do whatever they want. I get to have an opinion on their actions though.

    What I take issue with is they are enforcing minimum specs because they’re choosing to put a bunch of stuff in the operating system that won’t run (well) below those specs. In other words they are choosing the job that the operating system has to do (GenAI in this case) and I think that is up to the user, not the OS vendor.

    If the GenAI stuff they want to build in were optional then you could choose to purchase a cheaper computer or upgrade your existing hardware to a current OS. By going this route Microsoft is artificially inflating hardware requirements.

  • If you switch to a browser that cannot be remotely attested, eventually commercial websites will just stop serving you. So switch now and tell everyone you know to switch to something that is not Chrome or Safari.

    Safari already does this in the form of Personal Access Tokens, and the reason the web hasn’t taken it and ran with it yet is because their market share is ~20%. Chrome is 70%. This is about to be a systemic problem that you cannot fix by switching to software that respects your freedom.