The active agents? No. The behavior resulting from relative safety against HIV? Yes.
The active agents? No. The behavior resulting from relative safety against HIV? Yes.
Because PrEP users tend to give up on other preventive measures like condoms.
PrEP is short for pre exposure prophylaxis and means you take HIV medication to prevent the virus from adding its genetic code to your DNA (more specifically your CD4 immune cells’).
It has advantages but is most probably also one cause of rising STIs (Clamydia, Gonnorhoea, Syphilis) in western countries.
To be honest, I didn’t know about this nonsense before that post. So no, atleast Nekogram focuses on being a messenger.
I’m a nekogram user but also heard a lot of good things about forkgram
As long as I can use Telegram with open source third party apps I give a shit about their bullshit.
Any VPN app can be turned on from the notification short cuts or atleast WireGuard and Windscribe can.