Stirnerian Egoist looking for self satisfaction. Gimme Chinese xianxia novels and romantic K-dramas please.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Thing is, you’re wrong.

    people have had enough time to understand reality

    There is no absolute moral right or wrong. If their understanding is different from yours, they simply have a different perspective. Sure, it is not compatible with yours, and you can decide to cut yourself off from them, and wage war against them, and even insult them, threaten them with death and execute them publicly if you want. None of that means that their belief system is not a belief system, or that their religious beliefs are not religious beliefs, or that the hate speech you will wield against them is not hate speech. It just means you deem it appropriate because your belief system dictates this, just as their belief system could dictate that they will do the same with you and those you protect. The fact that people justify it in their minds, throwing random moral facts and calling them true, doesn’t make hate speech not hate speech.

  • Do you have to be protected for it to be hate speech? Lmao.

    It’s not an inherent quality of a person, like being gay or black.

    and hate speech is only for people’s inherent qualities?

    hate speech, speech or expression that denigrates a person or persons on the basis of (alleged) membership in a social group identified by attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, physical or mental disability, and others.

    i’d say ideology falls right next to religion in the spook system of “things ppl believe about the world and can’t change on a whim because it’s part of their inherent dogmatic system of understanding”

    It’s not hate speech to say conservatives are evil and their actions and beliefs actively harm the world. That’s just facts.

    ah yes, “facts”, “evil”, absolute morality, moral dogma, they are “inherently evil”, that’s just moral absolutism and it’s as dumb as religious dogmatic beliefs of “the gays are bad” or “degenerates deserve to die”. You’re just fighting dumb dogmas with dumb dogmas.

    Do consider that they consider themselves not to be harming but protecting the world from those who they believe harm the world. Life is not black and white, “i’m right and you’re wrong”. There are many perspectives, and “harm” is subjective, the ideal state of how things should be is a hotly debated topic, and thinking that, because you think you’re “right”, your speech of hate toward a certain group of people defined by their beliefs is not “hate speech”, is just, in my opinion, not a very enlightened perspective.

    pinned post:

  • maybe that’s why there’s free places & restricted places, just a diffence in tolerance levels & desires

    i don’t personally mind being trolled sometimes or people using bad faith arguments against me, and i don’t really mind seeing people be emotional in a no-consequences place.

    i’ve been on 4chan where ppl just insult each other all the time, i don’t think anyone’s too butthurt knowing that it’s so common, but… accidents happen i guess

    yeah i wouldn’t recommend that someone sensitive goes there, and would actively discourage such ppl from going there, but if you’re like me and you don’t give a shit about anything and you’d just rather see a circus with people throwing shit at each other while laughing, then banning the circus goes against the purpose lol

    i don’t personally mind too much the commie ban, i have had enough tankie bullshit at home with the dictatorship supporters, but with time i’ve come to accept them as people and value their input in many things that are not related to politics, but yeah i have no issue with them being gone, couldn’t care less, i can open whenever i wanna see some idiots being idiots, which is about once a week cuz i just like being entertained