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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • I have a mention in forward with a note being “the only documention left was a series of desperate sounding emails that the documentation was still on the now quarenteened work computers and something about a README”

    THIS HAS HAPPENED TWICE TO ME, like I appreciate my bosses and PMs being chill and not wanting to overwork me on my way out but seriously guys I needed to hand this off to someone and put it somewhere. shrug

  • I think a centralized view of knowledge that Wikipedia provides is great, plus the record of changes and discussions help capture some of the nuances people are aiming for.

    That said where this really accelerates is when bias is wanted. For example the Arch wiki vs Debian wiki vs Wikipedia all SHOULD have biases that cater to their specific audience, even if there is obvious overlap.

    Interestingly use of wikidata could help create aknowlledge graph associating parts of the fediwikiverse and we might be able to see a dream of mine ; dynamic knowledge content. Where I might be an expert in databases so I can get the condensed version of how postgres but get the beginners version of kubernetes on an article about deploying them together