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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Yeah im similar. I still use 1080 monitors and just 2 at a regular workspace. Its about the perfect DPI for reading text. Things like 4k just make it harder or you have to bump up the fractional scaling, in which case why the more pixels?

    Im fine to keep it to a laptop monitor when im mobile, and 2+laptop monitor for email when at a desk.

  • They even had a super compact version. Something like a d400. Was awesome for datacenter/console work. Had a serial port, vga and was like 12.3 inches and only a few pounds despite being stout.

    I think I used a d6xx for a while longer than I should have just because of that serial port and how bad usb to serial adapters were back then.

    Unfortunately the d420 had a slower processor and would struggle as a desktop replacement.

  • Cellphones and streaming devices often have extremely limited space allowed for caching content and aren’t designed for serving content but are heavily used for consuming content. Most younger users aren’t watching YouTube from a browser, it’s mostly coming from phones and streaming devices. Android may be less stringent but Apple is very aggresive in how the caching can be used and managed.

    . Additionally because cell phone usage is often 99.99% used to download and bandwidth on a cell services is generally treated as aggregate they will often only Qos tcp acks and heavily deprioritize literally everything else to make room for download bandwidth.

  • I mean I get that. I’ll be honest and say if service works so that I don’t have to call, I’m fine. Hell I have to deal with Comcast who has notoriously bad customer service. They are one of the few even now that will let you onboard with a gift card, essentially anonymously if you wanted. So there is that too.

    My biggest complaint is the spam text messages and the att passport/boingo wifi thst I can’t tell my phone to not connect to. The latter may be a deal breaker.

  • Yeah dont get me wrong. Theres a reason i moved to crickett but havent moved the rest of my family yet, though most of the savings come with multiple accounts.

    Like I said i dont like their onboarding process, having to use a burner account/number to get started, then setup an actual account. I also dont really trust their security, specifically with porting and IMEI etc.

    That said, their billing is pretty straight forward. Its x dollars a month (60 for my plan) and if you do autopay they will credit 5 bucks. Like I said though, i had a -65 dollar balance, so unsure why i was even charged, i had a credit. And their support is total dogshit. LIke call at noon on a tuesday and still wait 45 minutes through 4 queues to talk to someone that just wants you off the line.

    But their billing is pretty straightforward.

  • I mean…i Just moved from Ting/Verizon to Crickett. It works fine. The primary line is a verizon line but the device is unlocked after 60 days per Verizons Policy.

    The biggest annoyance with Crickett/ATT is

    1. ATT Passport Wifi cant be disabled permanently and is annoying

    2. Crickett constantly sends spammy SMS messages to me.

    I may just move to ATT pay as you go for a bit more. Have dual sim verizon is borderline pointless from a data perspective. And t-mo has shit coverage where i need it.