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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • Apple grosses between 150b and 170b annually.

    Demanding they pay more than they make in a year would lead to a 3 trillion dollar company going to war against their government. And not just a court battle. We are nearing the point at which corporations can contest with governments.

    Imagine the entire next generation being brainwashed into disrupting supply chains. Gen Z children sabotaging transportation routes, physically protesting, because their status symbol told them the government was corrupt.

    Could the USA take Apple? Yes. But that’s a fight they’d be wise to not incite.

  • Take it at face value. The comment is a historical correction and gentle reminder that we only have one chance to prevent data from walking out the door, regardless of how friendly the platform is. Once your data is out, it’s out. Guard it well.

    Is FaceBook detrimental now? Yes it is, unquestionably.

    Was it always? No, it wasn’t.

    Should we de-federate? Absolutely. Yesterday and retroactively, if possible.

    Which of those are open source projects that anyone can fork and/or run their own instance of at any time, providing a place for people to seamlessly transition from Reddit, Google, or Apple if they don’t like what those companies do with their platform?

    Reddit. Once upon a time.

    I lived through using 8" floppies, so yes, I remember.

    Ah, 8" floppies. Good memories. And bad. “Please read that… Why aren’t you reading it? If you’re not going to read it, spit it out… Let go. Now try again. Why is it blank? It wasn’t blank after I wrote to it. Why did you wipe it? Damn.” It was the best of times.

    I was so excited when 3 1/2" introduced attached switchable write protection. The peak of convenience.

  • the worst example of an awful tech company for their entire existence

    Not to stir the pot, but at one point Zuck was an idealist. Circa 2008? When interviewed by a news corporation about privacy concerns he said, and I quote, “It’s your data. You own your data.” At the time, he hadn’t monetized with anything more than ads, and I think he truly believed it.

    A short few years later he saw the opportunity to become a multi-billionaire and probably decided ethics and idealism is for poor people. Much the same as Reddit, Google, Apple, etc. Do you remember? Those of us who lived through it remember.

    One day, the largest Lemmy instances may be no different. Time will tell.

  • universal generalism

    It’s hard to go to work and have these conversations over and over again

    I had a conversation with one of my mates, who was convinced, “AI is creative in the same way humans are creative. Therefore AI is actual intelligence.”

    It was a struggle to try to explain how LLMs aren’t creative at all, can’t conceptualize understanding, and are unable to determine whether they know something or not. I think I used painting terms, and AI being unable to consistently categorize a new color without being re-trained. He disagreed. Full blown nutter with no more understanding of the tech than you can find on FB, but he’s certain he knows best.

  • Kindness@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlAnd don't forget RTFM
    7 months ago

    When I’ve spoken with people who say they ‘want to code, but don’t know how to start,’ dollars to doughnuts it’s the same problem as wanting to learn hacking, artistry, or science. (I think the original comic was drawing.)

    There isn’t a solid reason for why they want to learn X, the wanters just think it would be cool to *be an X-er", and want anyone to hand it to them.

    The people who want Y, and need to learn X to accomplish it will take the first step. Though many won’t follow through if goal Y is too high. I’ve pointed people to the resources to learn X countless times. It’s only the people who want Y, and are willing to learn X to achieve it, that succeed. Hacker, Coder, Engineer, Artist-er, and on and on. You can lead a horse to water, but not teach it how to drink.