• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t know where you got these ideas but I invite you to take a look at the modlog first.

    Im talking about site-bans, not community bans.
    DMs don’t happen in a community, so a community ban wouldn’t prevent them. Garbage DMs usually mean site bans.
    You’re evidently not banned from SJW yet because you can still write here.
    You’re evidently not banned from .world yet because you can still login.

    So instead of quoting my DM, why didn’t you also quote the mod’s.

    I quoted it elsewhere and it’s honestly nothing special, to which you replied with insults to the mod. | | 2024-09-09 02:51:08.887679+00 | the argument is pretty nonsensical on both ends and if you drag me into the middle of it I’m banning you both. | | 2024-09-09 04:06:22.219219+00 | Who cares about the fucking argument? Sine you care so little about personal ttacks, go ahead dipshit. | | 2024-09-09 06:47:03.103689+00 | …actually I seem to have identified the actual problem.

    community banned

    Not sure what personal attacks because the only comment you reported is this one:

    Right, so you’ve got all this experience and knowledge and all you want to do is complain that people get it wrong, you don’t want to do anything to change that by say educating someone who’s engaging in good faith. Consider my mistake noted, I’m no longer interested in anything you have to say about anything. You’re not old, you’re horrifically rude and unnecessarily aggressive. Good day.

    It’s a pretty tame thread all things considered. You wanna discuss this with them, they don’t, take the hint.

    want to know why all my comments were deleted

    They were all deleted at once when the mod banned you, there’s a checkbox to remove all your stuff along with the ban. You know, the mod you had just called a dipshit when they DMd you about your report.
    Like, I don’t know what the fuck you’re expecting when interacting with people.

    a fairly argumentative person by nature, as you can see. I’m having a blast.

    Yes, we’ve noticed. Doesn’t mean other people have to want to interact with you.
    Am I to conclude that relentlessly arguing about inane things is your jam then? (Trick question)

    You keep mentioning people attacking you over there and I didn’t see it. The comments were all tame and your only report is frivolous at best.
    You keep mentioning personal attacks in this here thread, most people have been helpful and the one comment mentioning ban evasion was removed a while ago.
    Your comments weren’t the problem.
    Other people’s comments weren’t the problem.
    Your behavior since is what I’m worried about.
    You’ve somehow escalated a minor disagreement into a potential site ban.

    Some people liked it, you don’t. It’s fine.
    Move on.
    Someone disagreed with you. It’s fine.
    Move on.
    You reported a mostly benign comment and the mod basically told you they weren’t getting involved in your daycare courtyard stuff.
    Move on.
    You then called them a dipshit and got banned from a their community. (Surprised Pikachu)
    Move on.
    It even expires in a month!
    Move on.
    You made this post complaining about mod abuse when you had just called them a dipshit.
    Move. The. Fuck. On.
    […] several steps with opportunities to Move on […]
    You’re still not getting the hint that people don’t wanna be involved in your petty stuff.

    At every point in time you’ve had an easy exit, which is to just move the fuck on, but you’ve insisted on dying on the tiniest hill I’ve ever seen.

    I’ll be explicitly clear.
    This last bit isn’t me having an argument with you.
    This isn’t a discussion, but a warning.
    It’s me telling you that this whole thing is a non-issue and if you don’t move on, then don’t come crying when your account is inevitably nuked.

    Move. The. Fuck. On.

  • There’s a bit more to this.

    OP reported this comment:

    Right, so you’ve got all this experience and knowledge and all you want to do is complain that people get it wrong, you don’t want to do anything to change that by say educating someone who’s engaging in good faith. Consider my mistake noted, I’m no longer interested in anything you have to say about anything. You’re not old, you’re horrifically rude and unnecessarily aggressive. Good day.

    Reason: Wtf is this rude shit

    To which the community mod replied in a DM to OP that they should both cut it out:

    the argument is pretty nonsensical on both ends and if you drag me into the middle of it I’m banning you both.

    To which OP replied:

    Who cares about the fucking argument? Sine you care so little about personal ttacks, go ahead dipshit.

    … OP gets banned, posts this thread, etc.

  • Seeing as you’re evidently not banned, this was, essentially, a warning.
    Not even just for you but something I repeat here whenever the subject comes up because…
    Lemmy is dumb: recipients can’t delete DMs, ever, only senders. These DMs are then forever stuck in the recipient’s inbox unless an admin with database access deletes it for them.

    I don’t usually bother, but since you asked and lemmy DMs aren’t private (reminder to heed the warning on the DM page) : 2024-09-09 04:06:22.219219+00 Who cares about the fucking argument? Sine you care so little about personal ttacks, go ahead dipshit.

    Again, while you’re evidently not site-banned yet, this DM isn’t exactly civil or respectful either. I don’t think you were banned for the comments, but for that DM, but wtf do I know.
    Honestly, not sure which outcome you were hoping for with that one…

    the abuse I keep enduring […]

    If people abuse you here, do report it. It has different community mods/admins as its caretakers. People in the 20-ish comments here have been respectful and even helpful so far.

    […] that has followed me back to this thread

    The discussion from the previous thread… which wasn’t fun for you, followed you in this thread, which you’ve made to discuss said previous thread.
    My confusion… can only be expressed by John Travolta looking around for Barbra Streisand’s lawyer.

    The initial thread is a bit… whatever.
    You were somewhat sour on an otherwise (subjectively) wholesome thing, whatever.
    You had an unpopular opinion, I think you failed to read the room? Whatever.
    When I have an unpopular opinion, I take the loss and move on.

    Instead, a tumblr meme has somehow escalated into this shitting-beans level drama.

    Instead of just taking the downvotes, this became an argument.
    Instead of moving on, this got mods involved?
    You mention you didn’t care about the ban, but here we are, now with exponentially more people piling in with whatever take they might have, which you’re still not having fun discussing.
    And now admins are involved somehow, because you didn’t like a poem and insist on dying on that hill.

    I say this to you and to everyone who read this far, sincerely, as a fellow human being: our mental health is worth more than whatever social media beanshit.
    Forget about this for a second. Go do something fun.
    Or don’t, maybe escalate this further somehow.

  • I hear ya.
    I get 1-6 meetings in the same time slot, people don’t care to check so I don’t care to show.
    I decide which meetings are important for actually moving stuff forward and screw the rest.

    There’s only ever one guy who complained to my boss…
    I didn’t show up for a meeting for a Friday 7pm, invite sent at like 4:58pm the same day for some inane and absolutely not urgent subject.
    I saw that invite come in, chuckled, closed my laptop, went home and ignored it.

    Later that night, the guy went nuts and CC’d everyone’s bosses because he had wasted the full hour and obviously no one showed up to his meeting “even though I made sure to check everyone’s calendar and everyone was available and you’re all unprofessional”.

    I don’t do emails notifications on phones as a rule unless you wanna pay my rate 24/7, but I had forgotten to do my time sheet so I was logged in doing that…

    I dabble in a bit of passive aggressiveness in the face of corporate bullshit, so I finished my timesheet and hit propose new time… Sunday 3:21 am…
    “Checked your calendar and it was available. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
    Closed my laptop and fucked off.

    The guy went nuclear over several emails.
    Sent a quick email to my boss “Just a heads-up, I think I angered someone by not attending their 7pm meeting they sent at 4:58pm and proposing an equally ridiculous time”

    Never heard from the guy again and the next week he wasn’t in the company AD anymore.

    Probably went full tilt cookie monster in the coke jar or something.

  • A1: probably, although that’s more processing power. The tool I used to fix it would have outputted a second image file if the extra data had been an image, which is then a weird case to handle. (Upload both? Make 2 links?) Certainly, it could output a better error message though.

    A2: Should be lemmy-wide, although technically a malicious server could disable that somehow, which I think would only affect their local users. ie: don’t make an account on a server you don’t trust.

    A3: It is a server specific setting. It’s easy enough to change the setting. Bigger limits uses more storage which costs money

    A4: Possible, I would think. No idea if that’s ever on the devs’ roadmap. I think that would be added to the pict-rs code which is then used by the lemmy server.
    Both are open source projects, so an instance implementing this could then share the code so it’s eventually a feature for everyone.

    I’ve ran into bugs before on some public image host I don’t remember where it wouldn’t strip metadata if you uploaded an album. It’s probably a good practice to strip metadata before uploading, although much less convenient. I double-check that it still works here from time to time, doubly so after upgrading versions.

  • Got it.

    Your PNG contains extra data after the PNG’s IEND marker which pict-rs probably errors on.
    Your images aren’t stored as-is, among other things, their metadata is stripped so people don’t unwittingly share their geolocation, etc.
    It rewrites the file in the process, but in this case doesn’t know what to do with the non png compliant data appended at the end.

    Here’s a fixed version of your image that uploads fine.

    Using pngcheck -vf on the original image will give you the starting hex offset (0x10fc31) of that invalid chunk of data, which can then be browsed with whatever hex editor.
    I haven’t investigated that extra data much.
    It might be part of a ‘capture the flag’ game, or not.

    The fixed image is just the first bytes of the file upto that invalid extra chunk.