Uh…profit? They only have one religion in China.
Uh…profit? They only have one religion in China.
Presumably one can still set default in settings. I’m not giving up Firefox yet.
That was in the Age of Chivalry when everything was honoured on the battlefield.
They just started charging for API usage so isn’t it already not open?
Password hint: ‘p…’
It was speedier and usually more effective than forums which crept at a snails pace.
Opening article expecting some actual picture examples. Instead got stock images with zero PC towers. And honestly, I lost all hope by the time I got to BBQ.
This guy here giving criminals a tip.
I mean, even if this song was coming from a human it’d be derivative, boring, and worthless.
Quite a lot of music pumped out by labels is.
And Dune seems to be more of a commentary these days
Me thinks that one call from an old lady may have been just this, and when I chuckled a bit as I couldn’t identify her voice she called me demented and hung up. Feel like the call was probing for the vulnerable.
I’ve seen the number of carrots you can get from a meter squared, I honestly felt like they never saw a vegetable patch in their life. Qatar? Well then…
While I like the back gesture, it does interfere at the worst of times. Text selection and scrolling an ebook sideways for example.
Feels like a half assed Minority Report plotline.
Aviation and its heavy pollution now carried over to cars and their heavy pollution. 😅
Really interesting how what we post and garners attention, only concentrates money in a select few.
I just saw a variety of usages and nothing to indicate the standard use of this meme lol