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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • The value of tokens on the Blockchain are ostensibly related to the value of the apps that stake/work supports. NFTs were just another attempt at creating some real app/service value which didn’t have all the difficulty or intrinsic value problems that being a payment processor does.

    The core problem is the same though. Speculative value of the tokens can’t really exceed the actual intrinsic value of the underlying Blockchain apps. For such apps to actually work as intended, more thought needs to go into anti-speculation mechanisms.

  • But there is a viable alternative. In this very thread I supplied images of the ostensibly censored prompts from a different generative website. Unless those images have ironically been censored from the lemmy instance.

    The point is that in the western media model, the existence of the Disney channel doesn’t mean that HBO can’t exist. And even if popular sentiment means that HBO doesn’t exist now because of some market force, it can certainly exist in the future if those consumer preferences change. I’d argue that western media has easily, about 200 years demonstrating this very principle.

    If an autocrat bans content, it will never exist. Or rather, the only examples I can really think of where a monarch or autocrat has willingly chosen to liberalize media control, are the handful of European monarchies which ceded political authority to a liberal constitution. Whether you believe this reflects your own reality is inconsequential - it’s trivially simple to demonstrate that western society has become more permissive over time compared to its illiberal counterparts.

  • Same. It’s about more than just the app to me. It felt like a betrayal of the social contract which brought me to Reddit in the first place, and which kept me there even as I slowly aged out of the main culture, as the site became a hot bed for shady viral marketing and information warfare, and then as the site became infested with fascist mind rot.

    That contract was about building and curating your own experience, which was genuinely a radical idea in the forum world at one point in time. But killing off the API signalled to me that this was no longer the casem. Spez was building just another shitty walled garden, and that was taking precedence over the “build your own reddit” experience I’d come to know and love.

  • Yes, people who unironically support Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism are supporters of autocratic, and in many cases tyrannical politics. These are first principles for the vast majority of people who study politics, all over the world. It only feels strange because places like hexbear and lemmygrad have this extremely weird liturgy, where vaguely expressing any form of the idea that some forms of autocracy can be more evil than some forms of capitalism is the worst sin.

    Really, the only thing which is confusing to me is why anyone who espouses egalitarian and queer friendly principles would associate with people who actively promote a global alliance of countries who would exterminate them. I don’t condone association with campists for the same reason I don’t condone association with Republicans.

  • Yeah buddy, I’m not your monkey. If you want to have an actual conversation about why, eg, autocracy doesn’t do jack shit to resolve exploitation via labor alienation and commodification, I’m here for it. Or if you want to go over why the complete lack of actionable framework for curating the political agency of the individual is, in fact, one of the most glaring and widely discussed holes in Marxist orthodoxy, I’d love to pull that string.

    But if you are just going to be another smug sectarian who insists on making dishonest campist garbage the bottom of their moral well, then I guess we can keep taking pot shots at eachother. I just think the internet deserves a better class of socialist.

  • No, I think it was the opposite. I’m the one who keeps insisting that socialist philosophy doesn’t stop in 1924, that the socialist international is not a Leninist organization, and that MLs who quote Chomsky in defense of autocratic politics are way more fucking dense than any lib.

    Y’all are the ones who treat Lenin’s half baked, modernist screed like some cringeworthy dogma painted on your cave wall, while continuously demonstrating that you are mostly slacktivists, trolls and keyboard warriors who express no actual interest in political philosophy beyond your painfully outmoded geopolitical head canon, yet go around mocking others for not finding your stick drawings very convincing.