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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I literally don’t set up my voicemail, and I typically don’t listen to recorded audio that gets messaged to me. Texting is functional and doesn’t leave me some anxiety-provoking message that I have to sit through and digest without saying anything. If a conversation needs to happen in voice, text to say that and see if it’s a good time.

    Wild that people just ring a personal phone number unprompted in 2024 without that being an established routine.

    That said, I also remember when it wasn’t at all weird to show up to someone’s house and knock on their door. Things have really changed.

  • Ehh, Linux has better hardware flexibility than it used to, but there are still devices that don’t have equivalent functionality with the drivers and software available for Linux. It might be a situation where you can code something yourself, but you may also need information from the manufacturer that they won’t necessarily be forthcoming with. I’ve run into this with a Logitech mouse, but I’m betting there are other peripherals that will face the same issue.

    Windows doesn’t use system resources as efficiently, but there’s a huge amount of software for it and it definitely lands on top of the pile for compatibility.

  • Technically, misrepresenting a copyright claim in a takedown notice is purgery. Within the notice itself you have to indicate that you are a representative of the copyright holder (or hold the copyright yourself), that you have a good faith belief under penalty of purgery that the use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright holder, its agents, or the law.

    However, good luck finding someone who wants to spend the money to prosecute a legal document that can be easily contested or often simply ignored.

    The other issue here is that many of these probably aren’t actually in bad faith, but have been submitted to both the actual file host and the site it’s linked on, or have otherwise misidentified the correct recipient, or have misidentified usage that would actually fall within fair use.

    It’s often the reality that it makes more sense and gets better results to submit your DMCA notice to both those technically hosting the file and those who may be swayed into removing a post linking to it. Sometimes it’s more about rapport building with site owners in countries that don’t care about DMCA, or finding relevant local laws to wave at them. Often if they don’t follow through it’s literally just left at that, because chasing foreign legal entities is hard.

    On the other end, it’s pretty easy to contest a false DMCA as long as the host doesn’t default to removal with no appeal, at which point they basically have to either spend the money on a court case in the US or drop it. That, of course, assumes that the host’s country cares about DMCA at all.

    But essentially, people reporting infringement and it never going anywhere the majority of the time is DMCA working as intended. As a process it’s really more of a legal shield for hosts than it is an extremely effective method of enforcement. Often it’s tact and rapport that’s more important.