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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • This is because you’re stuck in a very specific mental model of computing, so using anything that isn’t Windows will feel frustrating if you’re unwilling to adapt.

    I’ve been using Windows for 30 years this year (3.0 gang!) and building PCs for almost that long. I had a similar reaction to Linux when I first started using it. But I persisted and realized there were tasks I could perform faster and, importantly, with more safety on Linux than on Windows. So I stuck with it and now I use headless Linux almost as much as macOS and Windows

    Also, if you’ve really gone full Pavlov on Windows modifier keys, you can remap cmd to Ctrl in system settings.

  • I half agree but the idea that Macs aren’t as expressive or versatile as any other laptop is so antiquated now. More than half of the software engineering industry is using macs as primary machines.

    Why? Because the software and hardware gets out of the fucking way and let’s you focus on getting things done. I remember a time before Macs were the popular choice and I remember everyone spending 25% of their time fighting with drivers or obscure machine-specific software install or development build issues.

    Even getting rid of the bloat is easy. Highlight apps, drag them to recycle bin, done. And as you said, a 3-5 year upgrade cycle makes the premium far less of an issue.

    I certainly have family members that use Macs because they are tech illiterate, but that’s further evidence of their versatility.

    There’s so much to shit on Apple for, but the myth of Macs being in some obscure home computer niche needs to die.

  • Log files wouldn’t fall under the banner of compiled languages or ASTs, so I’m not sure how that example applies.

    And I’m aware that it can lead to O(n²) complexity but, as others have provided, there are already tools that do this, so it is within the capabilities of modern processors

    Yes there will be cases where the size of the search space will make it prohibitive to run in reasonable times but this is - by merit of the existing tools and the fact that they seem to work quite well - an edge case.