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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Trans people aren’t asking for special treatment, they’re asking to not be discriminated against. They’re asking to be recognised as who they are, just like cis people take for granted. They’re murdered at a shockingly high rate. Advocating for their rights isn’t giving your daughter special treatment, it’s asking for her to expect the same level of safety everyone else enjoys. If you want that for her, the right with all their fearmongering about the dangerous trans women are the ones putting her in more danger. They’re the ones that are likely to hurt her just for existing as who she is. It’s the left that will fight for her safety, but again, not politicians. The organised left.

    Only someone with the privilege to ignore all of the oppression that’s going on wants to be “neutral”, because neutrality favours the oppressor. That’s why people get angry when you talk about politics. That’s classic centrism.

  • Oh so you were a centrist, and now you’re moving to the right? So that’s basically exactly what I thought you were, since centrists are just conservatives that know “conservative” is synonymous with awful people and awful policies. I notice you also filtered out lgbt and racism. Just going out on a limb here, you’re white, straight, cis and I would guess also a man, right?

    Let me ask you something else: do you not like talking about politics because you find people get angry when you do?

    I’ll agree that electoral politics doesn’t get anywhere, but what you’re missing is that every serious win for the people has been won by organised people on the ground fighting against capital and politicians. To the extent you’re taken care of by any of the laws you have, you can thank unions and left wing organisers for them. You like having a weekend? Thank labour organisers. You like the fact children aren’t sent down mines? Workers fought and died for those protections, and capitalists would push politicians to strip them the moment they could. They liked company towns where they paid their workers in scrip and the wives of workers had to turn themselves and their children to sex work just to survive.

  • I absolutely will judge you for that list. You don’t want to hear about capitalism and climate change? Like the two biggest things that are going to affect our future. Lots of people are unaware of the water they swim in to some extent, but to intentionally avoid it like this is another level of ignorance.

    There’s some real vibes here of someone who’s so privileged that current politics already serves them and they feel like they can just ignore it. Self-described “apolitical” people are still political, it’s just that their politics are usually awful because they don’t think about them.

    If I ever thought of using a filter like this - and I really don’t think I ever will - the fact that you’re the kind of person to use it makes me even less likely to consider it. I never want to shove my head in the sand to that extent.

    Go ahead and block me for saying this, I wouldn’t want to make you feel slightly uncomfortable for the few seconds it takes to scroll past. It’s better if you just don’t know I exist. One less voice to antagonise you with reality.